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Review on Zerobank by Gerald Benard

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Zero bank is rising back to health.

Zero bank is acquiring more ground as to becoming the world's leading stock exchanging platform. How does it function?simple!!. It is a platform that is currently initiating new currencies such that with advancement in the stock market as time goes on it will become generally accepted as a medium of making payments,exchange,trade as well as transfer across remote countries and all over the world. It is also an encrypted end-to-end secured blockchain that provides a bypassing interventions from the government and other central banks.
Zero bank was created based on a blockchain and smart contract technology to enable investors in the ease of transfer and multiple exchange within the markets and preferentially reducing the cost substantially. The cost of making transactions either transfer or exchange is nearly at a none zero fee charges. However, it is one amongst many other secured platforms for making all sort of digital transactions because it embraces the concept of open and distributed global ledger.
Zero bank uses a decentralized method which prevents remittance market and foreign exchange markets from debitting charges or extra charges from migrants and other international bodies using a centralized banking system. More so,it on the verge of establishing a platform which allows the conversion or replacement of Fiat currencies along the line of action.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating changed from 3 to 5
zerbank is globalized money transfer and exchange platform that is widely used for making exchange with very low transactional fees for all users. It is one of the widely used online banking that provides you with a convenient way to keep save your money without fear of theft or losses. However, it operates more often on a distributed globalized ledger which allows for easy savings.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating changed from 3 to 5
More accessible,this platform reduces the fees on exchange for it platform users by more than 30% or more and still secures it each transactions such that it gets to the final user. However,it is platform that doesn't accommodate third party users and also it reduces it fees by removing the third agents or middleman which could add charges causing the exchange and transaction fees to increase. Without,a secured authentication trading on this exchange will certainly become difficult thus, zerobank provides updates regularly for it users.

Updated 3 years ago
Rating changed from 3 to 4

Zerobank bank might actually sound just like a financial establishment but there is more to be searched on it. As it is,not only supportive in terms of saving and other banking services but also provide a platform where exchange of varying sizes and trends can be done without limitations. The major thing about the kind of task that it runs is quite unique and different from other platforms carrying out similar features as well. Zerobank today,is certainly becoming or reaching closer and closer to the edge as it has been adapting new plan systems to monitor and facilitates it securities to prevent failed future problems.

  • It allows for conversion from FIAT to other currencies.
  • It prevents remittance.
  • it uses a standardized fee charges.
  • It is secured and reliable.
  • None.

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