Ziktalk (ZIK): is a small project thinking for a personal use between user and ecosystem, which allows you a free interaction with a communications platform for private use that uses blockchain methodology as means of transmission of information, between users and market, you can share experiences people in a forum type platforms that is idea for the most social people, its development derives from the need for a means of communication that handles diverse languages in large masses and that each user can interact and learn new things and its systems generates a tokens that can be purchased, Its growth as a company was fast because it has its own technology developed based on its open code that is perfectly auditable and allows high levels of security in the processes of interaction and anonymity if required, create an account or use their platforms does not require much data people, the simplicity of its service makes it enjoyable for users, handling tool thinking to ensure your capital invested in the shares and taking into account that you can exchange quickly for other tokens if required.