I was looking for a tube to carry my rod and this tube worked very well for my purpose. I was able to fit three two piece spinning rods into the tube and one multi piece fly rod into the body which was extended to about 3/4 of its maximum length. , and also served to protect the poles when in the back of a pickup truck with other outdoor gear. I would recommend it to everyone without hesitation and I'm only not giving it the full 5 stars because the strap is too short. to easily carry the snorkel over your shoulder when the snorkel is fully (or nearly fully) stretched to its maximum length.**UPDATE 04/08/2014**Nozlen contacted me after seeing my feedback on the strap length and asked me A new redesigned strap is available that measures approximately 24 inches longer and makes the tube much easier to carry when stretched to longer lengths. They provided a new belt free of charge and mentioned that this belt will be used in the future production of the product. .Based on this great customer experience and the resolution of the only issue I had with the tube, I have upgraded my rating from 4 to 5 stars. Alright Nozlen, listen to your customers and product feedback!
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