I recently came across two relays in my Mini Cooper which were almost impossible to remove without breaking the plastic cover on the relay. They were so tight I had to cover the relay with a piece of flimsy rubber and use a vise to loosen them, wincing thinking the relay was going to break any second. The relays are in a recessed compartment, making them impossible to remove evenly with a pick or small screwdriver. This $13 tool solves the problem. I love Lisle instruments but for 50% the price of a rarely used instrument of identical quality you can't beat these from ABN.
🔧 Профессиональный 18212 4" РЕГУЛИРУЕМЫЙ 2 ИЛИ 3-ЩЕЛЕВОЙ ГАРПУН: Беспрецедентная универсальность для эффективного извлечения шестерен.
9 Review
Набор съемника рулевого колеса Shankly профессионального уровня (8 предметов) - Регулируемое расстояние 1.5" до 3.35" дюйма
9 Review
ABN 6-дюймовый двухщелевой оттяжной механизм: резкий инструмент для эффективного снятия шестерен, ремней и маховиков
9 Review
Fully Assembled CR-V Steel 8-Inch 3-Jaw Gear Puller For Easy Removal Of Gears, Pulleys, Bearings, And Flywheels - DURATECH Gear Puller Tool
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