Four years later, of the seven guitar controllers I've used, this one is still second on my list. 't: Nothing special was done. The guitar is made of hard plastic and has a solid body. No detachable neck, percussion bar too big, long or wide neck, noisy strumming bar, loose frets, too heavy, etc. This controller and the controller that comes with Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (my all-time favorite) are about the same. weight, but the GH:A controller was wireless, and when it eventually broke it became too expensive to buy separately to justify using it as the main controller. Since this option is not economically viable, I went to my number two to fill the gap and it is doing well. I think the state of modern guitar controller models can be summed up in a short story that happened weeks ago. I recently bought a Logitech Xbox 360 Wireless Guitar Controller and when I showed it to a couple of my rock band friends, they were both blown away by its beauty and realism. But over the next few hours (I took the Logitech and the XPLORER) with both being given up and used very little, the consensus was that the white XPLORER guitar controller was much better. So my conclusion is that if gamers wanted the weight and looks of a real guitar, they would learn how to play a real guitar (or try Rock Band 3's upcoming Pro mode with a guitar MIDI controller) . All the bells and whistles and wireless technology in the world can't compete with the results. And that's the original Guitar Hero 2 controller at its core. It can handle the hits I give it (I play expert) while other guitar controllers can't. This controller takes some time to break in, maybe a couple of weeks or so to get the stop off and the frets snapping, but once you've done it it's worth it. The two biggest things that completely ruin guitar controllers for me are: 1. If you downplay and the controller reads it as a two when it's back in place. 2. If the frets are too loose and the controller doesn't recognize that you pressed the key. This guitar controller has not a single problem. Well, for the most part. In the few years that I've been playing I've probably tried about six of these XPLORERs, which isn't too bad considering they average a few hours of play a night. , but it works a lot better than the shiny controllers that are currently being released. What good is realism if it negatively affects your game? In the end you realize he's worth nothing.
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