I bought this specifically to place along the edge of my desk. I use the LR format and it's great. These are dead nuts with the same markings as my Milwaukee tape measure, and the millimeter markings line up perfectly with the various lengths of bolts I have on hand. The print is crystal clear on both sides. Imperial measurements have markings up to the 16th, markings for total inches, and inches within a foot (e.g. 13 inches and 1F-1). The metric side has punctuation marks. Hundreds (e.g. 500, 10, 20, ., 90, 600, etc.) - a bit strange, but generally works. Use fabric or kitchen scissors! I wanted the corners to be rounded so I wouldn't constantly poke myself, so I tried using a paper punch with a corner radius that I have, but it didn't have enough muscle. Instead I filed the corners, no problem with a steel file. The surface scratches quite easily, so if that bothers you, you can cover it with clear varnish or something similar. I have a feeling some numbers will rub off where I rest my wrists. Not a problem for me for my intended use, it will only add character to my table over time. The separate adhesive is neither a plus nor a minus, it actually applies easily and is silicone based so it sticks great. It would be nice if I had more as I didn't use the full length so I guess that's it. There is definitely more than enough to do all the roulette.