On my daily commute, I use it. One and a half hours a day, on average. The battery only needs to be charged once every week with this method of use. The layout is clean and easy to read. As I have a habit of misplacing my headphones, I was hesitant to bring wireless ones for fear of losing them. In fact, I tried wearing them while jogging and they stayed put the whole time. In addition, the package comes with a variety of nozzles of varying sizes, allowing you to find the perfect fit. It doesn't take long to establish contact with the gadget, but every once in a while, there's an annoying pause of up to a second. The notifications of pairing and low battery also strike the ears, making me wince and sometimes even shudder; this is a major drawback of the system. The audio quality is good, but not great. Basses are present, but they don't exactly blow you away. I'd try to find higher-quality models to use in films and video games. Having no outside noise is also not ideal. It's a fine device overall, but cheaper alternatives do exist, and the sound quality isn't quite up to par for the asking price. The quality of construction is likewise subpar. There should be a 3.5 star rating, but there isn't, thus 4 stars.
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