I needed a bunch of sturdy wire for a ceiling speaker job I was doing and this seemed to fit the bill. The wire is very sturdy and the individual wires are well insulated from each other. almost too well.The spindle came damaged and the wire was falling off of it, but the wire itself wasn't damaged. This probably happened in transit, but the cardboard spindle it comes on isn't all that sturdy, in case that matters to you.I would happily buy this product again.
Asiahorse 16AWG Pro Power Supply Sleeved Cable For Power Supply Extension Cable Wire Kit 1X24-PIN/ 2X8-PORT (4+4) M/B,3X8-PORT (6+2) PCI-E 30Cm Length With Combs(Dual EPS Black)
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43" Samsung TV UE43AU7500U 2021 LED, HDR, titan gray
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High-Quality 14AWG Braided Speaker Wire (15 Feet) With Dual Gold Plated Banana Plugs - Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC) Construction For Superior Sound - Black
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High-Quality BENFEI DisplayPort To HDMI Cable For Seamless Connectivity Across Lenovo, HP, ASUS, Dell And Other Brands!
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