I've been buying these bags for many years and the quality has stayed the same unlike other brands that have started using cheaper materials. Taking it out of my bag I was momentarily shocked that the consistency in quality and material is EXACTLY the same as the very first bag I bought years ago. I recently returned a different brand bag because the zips were cheaper, one zip was too long (the extra one was just dangling there) and the material was cheaper and thinner. The quality of the returned bag was so far from the original that I was sure it was fake. But that's not the case. This company (like many others) cut corners because of the cost of materials. But then I got my little classic Ameribag and the quality and materials were just as good as my original Ameribag. That tells me a lot. In terms of size, I have 4 small healthy back pockets, 1 medium and 1 extra small. The reason I have all these little things is because they are perfect for my everyday life. I love all the pockets and organization and I love the microfiber feel. Of course I love this brand very much.
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