I bought this generator for a summer residence. I ran the generator as it should and decided to load it at the power for which I bought it. I loaded it first with 1 kW - the flight is normal. He raised the load by another 1 kW - the generator in the greenhouse jumped strongly, but it worked properly (total 2 kW). I added another 0.5 kW to it and the generator automatics were knocked out after about 20 seconds. I went to hit the switch on the generator and re-energized the system. And after connecting the load of 2.5 kW, the automation was knocked out again after about 10 . 20 seconds. And stably knocked out on this load. It should be noted that the generator was connected to the system without any layers of voltage stabilizers (there is no place to drop power), the load was connected without any starting currents by convection heaters (they work constantly at rated power). Accordingly, the declared 2.9 kW of rated power (reflected in the operating manual) is not even close there (especially 3.2 kW of maximum power) or the equipment for some reason does not work at this rated power (which in this case is equal). Yes, and I would like to separately focus on the fact that the declared 15 liters of capacity in the fuel tank is also doubtfully strong. I poured 10 liters into the tank and there was already "under the hat" - I did not dare to add more. Eventually. If I chose this generator again, I would not buy it, I would buy something more expensive but corresponding to the declared characteristics - I just bought a generator for certain needs in connected loads. If I could return it to the store, I would return it. This is how the generator works. If it is not critical for you that a generator of 2.9 kW of rated power (3.2 kW of maximum power) will not give you the opportunity to connect 2.5 kW to it (without starting currents), then the option is not bad for you. By the way, I didn’t test how much exactly you can connect so that it doesn’t knock out. I just know that 2 KW pulls and 2.5 KW does not pull - maybe 2.3 does not pull, I don’t know.
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