The entire idea and concept about NFTs and the Metaverse is still new and most people around the globe are unaware of how well this emerging blockchain Innovation can be utilized in their endeavours. From the look of things it's still a early stage project about carrying out it's public sales whitelist. But looking at the project's hidden potential and how it plans to specialized on a specific audience in the market, I find it very amazing and so I will like to be a part of their community as I foresee the ability for them to scale through in the gaming industry. I'm happy Wodo Network has its own it's academy, it reflects how big the project intends to become after it's fully launched. I believe the academy will be an opportunity for many people to learn more about non fungible token, Metaverse and the blockchain. I love how their project doesn't focus on just on one party, the are concerned about business building on their platform and at the same time they are also conscious of their community with an understanding of how community engagement will help project launched on Wodo thrive.