When I ordered these bags they were identical to the Glad Handletie bags. The picture on the packaging is deceptive. Only 200 packed per box compared to 4 boxes of 50 each. I figured they were just saving by not using 4 packs. Significant price difference, so I took them. Instead of drawstrings on the handles, they just have a couple of flared areas at the top of the bag. They are not evenly spaced so they don't fit directly onto the shore. If you try to place them on each side of the jar, like with the handles, the bottom seam won't match the length of the jar. In any case, these bags don't fit the same amount of junk as carry handles, since you have to leave room for "quick ribbons" to tie. Very upset as I am every time I use them next year. I should have realized by now that there are no real deals and waited until I could afford the more expensive package.
Plasticplace White Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon Capacity, 1.2 Mil Thickness - Perfect For Home And Office, 200 Count (Pack Of 1)
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150 Count Reli 33 Gallon Black Heavy Duty Drawstring Garbage Bags - Large 33 Gal
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Glad Press'N Seal Plastic Food Wrap - 70 Square Foot Roll (Package May Vary)
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Viva Multi-Surface Cloth Paper Towels: 12 Task Size Family Rolls (2X6), 30 Regular Rolls, 286 Count - Buy Now!
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Stainless Steel Sponges 6-Pack - Scrubbing Scouring Pad, Steel Wool Scrubber for Kitchen, Bathroom, and Beyond
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White 60 Count Swiffer Sweeper Wet Cloth Refill for Enhanced Cleaning
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Dustpan Cleans Handle Kitchen Upright
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OKIAAS Medium Black Disposable Gloves - Latex Free Vinyl Gloves, 5 mil, 50 Count - for Food Prep, Household Cleaning, Hair Dye, Tattooing
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