The independent travellers shop Gap Year Travel Store was founded in 2006. Online shop includes a wide variety of the products for travellers such as bags, sleep sheets, accessories, waterproof pouches and so on.
I didn't like design of the website. Everything is chaotically scattered on the site. It would be better to IT or Marketing to work on it. Subdivisons of the products are small printed, that's why in my opinion it hard to find it, however they post a big pictures with the more advertised items. Although the groups are difficult to find, all the products are originaly and precisely distributed, and grouped by subgroups which makes it more comfortable to find what you are looking for.
In compare with other platforms, the Gap Year Travel Store has compepetive price strategy, which is attractive for customers. I read some reviews and most of the customers are satisfied with their acquirings.
Payment, Shipping and Return policies are crediable.
Hope my review helps you. Thank you for reading.