Following are some advantages: If you care more about gameplay than visuals, this is the best system you can buy. Extremely versatile design that allows for play in portable, TV, and tablet modes. The console's biggest feature is undoubtedly its excellent support for local co-op play with friends. A handheld system featuring full-sized AAA games that can be enjoyed anywhere, not only at home. N-games are the thing, and you don't pay attention to the visuals. If you try to join in, the games will take forever. There are no in-game purchases or "loot boxes" to worry about. An outstanding gaming system overall, as seen by its two-year exclusives library and subsequent ability to silence Sony after only six years on the market. There is no point in drawing comparisons to mobile gaming; once you've wasted time on the phone playing soulless donated crafts, you'll realize that mobile phones don't have games. Plus, you'll stop using your phone for entertainment purposes immediately. Super Mario Odyssey, Super Smash Bros., Zelda, Fire Emblem, Bayonetta 2, Astral Chain, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Pokémon, and Bayonetta 2. Every aspect of the games' mechanics has been fine-tuned. I've never once wished I hadn't purchased a Switch! Distinct drawbacks: One major drawback is that games are often only available in one language. Very few games are released that are compatible with the 2022 language. Second, the console's relatively low profile in the United States means that it's not uncommon for employees at retail outlets in less populous areas to be unfamiliar with Nintendo.