After comparing several sellers on Amazon, I chose this seller, although there are no reviews yet. But who doesn't love good deals? As you can see from my photos, the packaging is well packed, the pen is stored in the instructions with the outer packaging. Not sure if this is an official pack from Samsung but it looks good. The pen itself not only works great, but looks just like my original. I try to push the tip hard, it doesn't pull back. If you have doubts about the logo. Yes, it has one on the top of the handle body. There is also a set of nozzles in the package. I tried replacing the tooltips with the tools sent, it's very easy to use. There are two types of clues. Gray is slightly softer than black. So I think there may be some mistakes in the description of the tips. However, be sure to keep the old one away from your devices so you can plug in this new one. I'm happy with it so far.
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