It's very rare that I give anything one star but I wish I could give it zero stars. These reviews must be fake because there is nothing in these bags that has five stars. I buy organza bags from many different retailers. I need them to come with one of my bath bombs that I sell for my bubble bath. I've seen excellent quality bags for complete junk and this has to be the worst I've found. I usually choose pastel colors because my logo color is pastel, but it was Christmas and I had several different Christmas sets and wanted to get Christmas/Winter prints for my organza bags. As soon as I saw these, I fell in love. Other bags that looked the same with the same print but had bad reviews from different sellers but I took a chance on this five star bag. I used to get big packs of 50 or 100 and sometimes a bag or two would sew crookedly or wouldn't close, but every 100-bag is crooked and almost every one has a hard time closing with a drawstring. What's worse, it's not about six bags. I've attached a photo so you can see the size of one of the bags. This is the biggest I could find. They are all 3 to 3 1/2 inches wide and all just under 6 inches. I would say about 5 3/4 inches. One of the bath bombs for Christmas said it was a giant version of my donut bombs and there was no way all of the icing would fit in that tiny bag. As I didn't order any other Christmas colors or prints I have to use these. In short, I would not recommend these.
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