Today I posted another review for PicnicWorld via the seller who supplied this commercial upright sanitizer.* Our review is based on the fact that this particular model from Sanitaire is carpet only! It doesn't work well on hardwood floors or tile floors. And I would say that's the ONLY reason it only got 4 stars from us. But I also have to say that it works just as well as our Oreck XL, only unlike the Oreck it doesn't clean wooden or tile floors. It's great on carpet! However, when it comes to flooring, we have a "mixed media" with carpet, tile, marble and wooden floors! , is designed for allergy sufferers and uses very IMPRESSIVE thick special allergy bags. * I mostly agree with the description given by the manufacturer and other reviewers. along with very good visual instructions. * We also have an 'in-house' policy that ALWAYS retains all packaging for all items ordered online for a minimum of 6 months just in case something goes wrong. *For Carpet Floors - We recommend this Sanitaire Commercial Rack!