I love how easy the little Fold 'n Go 5-in-1 trike is to put together. It only took about 20 minutes right out of the box. The first thing that struck me is how lightweight but well made it is. After complete assembly I was able to test different positions. I liked that my child can still ride their tricycle when they grow up. Lying positions aren't that important for my toddler, but they love to pretend to rule. My toddler loves to ride his "bike" and doesn't feel like a baby in a stroller. Can't wait for them to use it as a tricycle when they get older. We currently have it installed in Phase 2 - Walk (9+ months). Parents push and control the tricycle with the waist bar installed, preventing the child from turning the wheel. The color I received was sky blue and grey. Ideal gender neutral colors. The tricycle itself wipes down easily when it gets dirty and holds up well when we use it on gravel. It runs quietly and is easy to handle. Overall, I think if I take good care of it, it should be a while before my little one can transition to a trike that he can pedal and steer on his own. I recommend to anyone who doesn't. like a bulky stroller, for everyone who often takes their kids for walks, and for busy moms and dads who would rather spend time with their kids than collect another toy they aren't used to and don't play with . I would definitely buy the small Fold 'N Go 5-in-1 trike bikes again.
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