Many diaper bags I've had are far from stylish and look like I bought them from a thrift store. I love everything about this diaper bag, especially the canvas. The bag has imitation leather zippers, company logo and square reinforcement loops for the front straps. Many people like to refer to this leather as vegan, which would be appropriate. I immediately checked all the equipment because it tells me if this diaper bag will stand up to normal use. The zippers are plastic with metal hardware and as mentioned the zippers are faux leather. There is no need to add graphite to zippers as they work well. There are many metal fittings from magnetic clasps to decorative buckles. The rest of the hardware is made of high-impact plastic, which can be found on sliders for adjusting the strap, for example. The material this backpack is made of is canvas which is 100% polyester with a PU coating. The interior of this diaper bag has a lot of functional features that are similar to a play bag. There are different types of bags. This is one of those do-it-yourself bags that you put your stuff in where you think it will fit best. There is a metal quick release buckle for your house or car keys when you are out and need to keep them safe. The capacity is large enough to hold diapers, a change of clothes, snacks and other essentials needed for a short or long trip. This bag lists a lot of cool features and they are all well thought out and designed. The backpack function is fairly balanced. This bag has no padding on the back or shoulder straps. Prolonged wearing is not very comfortable. Oh, and there's that USB charging port that includes a USB cable. This is a truly functional, modern backpack that attaches to a stroller at home, when traveling or for everyday outings.
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