Just arrived a few hours ago. Tomorrow will return. What they don't tell you until you buy the product is that the buckles are too big to fit through most belt loops. Seriously, it comes with a little leaflet saying it doesn't fit, so you'll have to take one end off the buckle, then thread it through the belt loops, then put it back together and fiddle around to find the right size. Every time you change your pants! I'm not a tactical person at all, but I find it hard to imagine a Navy SEAL wasting time fumbling with his belt buckle every day. The quality seems good and the buckle seems good quality and I like the way it looks but I won't bother trying to get it right every time. Make one that goes through most pants and I'll buy it. I will also say that the belt loops on the pants I tried it on are quite wide and it still didn't fit. I don't wear dress pants. I also work as a fisherman, sailor and builder. I don't know a single person who wouldn't just be irritated. Can't speak to comfort or durability but I gave it 3 stars because as far as I can tell it would be comfortable and probably durable.