Well, it's for a pink handbag, not shoes. I give this seller and his bags five stars and I would give them more if I could. I love the exceptional packaging as it is triple wrapped to prevent damage. They also include a beautiful light pink tote bag that contains the bag. The handbag is quite pretty and big enough to put all your stuff in it with lots of pockets. Very high quality and I can only recommend it. I intend to buy green and black and maybe more soon. In addition to the exceptional quality of the handbag, the customer service is also very good. If you have any concerns about tracking or delays they will contact you and let you know where the bag is and how long it will take to get to you. They respond immediately to any of your concerns. One of the best customer service I've seen from Revain and believe me I buy A LOT of stuff from Revain and the customer service is honestly some of the best I've seen. Do not be shy. Five stars plus ******
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