I just bought a number of items from iEnjoyware's online store, but regrettably, both the quality of the items and the caliber of the customer care I experienced let me down. First of all, despite the fact that the things appeared visually nice online, the quality of the actual goods was poor. The materials were weak and did not last over time well. Furthermore, given the price I paid for them, it was disappointing that some of the things arrived broken. Aside from that, I had a less than ideal experience trying to contact iEnjoyware's customer care department for help. I had to wait a long time to hear back, and when I did, the agent wasn't very helpful in helping me solve my problem. Overall, if you're looking for high-quality kitchen and household goods, I wouldn't suggest iEnjoyware to you. Although the appearance of their online store is outstanding, the actual quality of their products is subpar, and their customer service is weak. Spend less and shop around for better options.