Having recently bought a newer bike with a factory TPMS system I realized I wanted that for my other bike. After a lot of research, Tiregard wasn't the best system, but it turned out that it should do the job well. Out of the box it was an easy system to install and get up and running. The sensors were pre-paired so after the batteries were installed the display read the pressure and showed it normally. The instructions were clear and fairly simple, with the front and rear sensors labeled 1 and 2, respectively. Since these are external sensors, installation is easy. Although locking rings are included in the anti-theft device or the anti-theft device kit, I have not installed them because my risk is low. The display was easy to navigate and could be mounted on the steering wheel. In general a good system. My only real problem is reading the temperature. I believe that since the sensor is on the outside of the wheel/tire, the temperature data will be falsified by the ambient temperature. I plan on buying another aftermarket system for a different bike, but I will be buying a system with internal sensors. I would recommend this product if speed is not a priority for you.