After much research on various Japanese limited edition PS Vitas, I settled on Toukiden! The reason I went with this is because I wanted a PS Vita 1000 series, Wi-Fi only with the game included. I am completely satisfied with this product. The box art is great, I tend to keep it in sight for my own enjoyment. The Vita itself is gorgeous, in a lovely black color with a phenomenal pattern on the rear touchpad. Setup was easy after I switched the language to English. It is true that the circle key is used for "confirm" as opposed to the X key which I am used to, but after using it a few times it became second nature to me. Toukiden game is cool although I can't follow the plot because I can. I haven't read Japanese but I found some tutorials online. Aside from the X and O buttons being swapped, the Vita is exactly the same as the 3G Phat Vita I previously bought. You can't go wrong with this kit. Please note that this kit does NOT include a memory card. Remember! the vita is exactly the same as the 3g phat vita i previously bought. You can't go wrong with this kit. Please note that this kit does NOT include a memory card. Remember! the vita is exactly the same as the 3g phat vita i previously bought. You can't go wrong with this kit. Please note that this kit does NOT include a memory card. Remember!