The goods arrived on time and without damage. It was boxed and securely wrapped. The bag fully corresponds to the description. This is real leather. The size is suitable for medium-sized wallets, hip flasks, multiple files, sweaters. This is exactly what I was looking for and didn't have to pay hundreds of dollars for real leather. After a few weeks of use, I noticed that the side seam had come undone. I informed the seller and asked for a refund. The seller offered to fix it and I will be credited the full amount of the repair. Weeks passed and the return date had passed. The seller contacted me to see if the bag was repaired and reminded me I would be able to get a loan. I finally got it repaired. I am pleased to report that the seller has credited me for the full amount of the repair. It cost me $20 at a shoe shop to double stitch all the sides of the bag. The short repair time was worth it. This is a great bag and the sellers are honest. I will buy from them again and have recommended them to others. If you want to buy this bag, do it from this seller.
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