Was bought solely because of the turbo brush for carpets on an electric drive. For the pneumobrush is nothing more than a marketing scam. The old "Electrolux" has long been asking for rest, and somewhere the contact of the electric brush was finally lost. Probably somewhere in the corrugated pipe or in the joints of the pipe and corrugations. And these joints are not collapsible - everything is tightly filled with plastic :( It is inexplicable, but true: all vacuum cleaners with electric turbobrushes have gone somewhere. I found only for crazy money the dubious Bork (40,000) and Mile (60,000). And both with archaic bags. Mile might have taken it, but the sacks finished me off. And so I had to take this product. I will say right away - as for me, calling it a vacuum cleaner is a big exaggeration. Rather, it is an electric broom (there were before, and maybe now there are such products). That's how an electric broom - it's beautiful. And as a replacement for a classic vacuum cleaner, it is not suitable. Small container volume, short battery life, and most importantly - microscopic performance. And it's not even the suction power, although it is clearly not sufficient. Air consumption is ridiculously low. Crawling with a nozzle "broad strokes" will not work. You will have to drive the nozzle for a long time and carefully in the same place. It is not for nothing that even for hard coatings its own turbo brush is used here. Without her, this "Rodmi" would be absolutely useless. In the photo for comparison, the turbo brush of my old vacuum cleaner. Pay attention to the diameters of the pipes (corrugated part) and everything will immediately become clear. By the way, the old man in terms of suction power easily tears Xiaomi at maximum power already at one third of its power - 2.5 kW, however! If we consider the product as a thing in itself, then it is probably not bad: you can clean the interior of the car, quickly collect the crumbs after the child, vacuum upholstered furniture (here it is surprisingly good and convenient). For carpets . Well, it's better than nothing - he still collects something there. The disadvantage of this particular model is a non-removable battery. There should be two of them in the kit - like on a power tool.
My review is now complete with some photos that I have added for your convenience.
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