I'm completely satisfied with the product, it works.
A fantastic system, but not one I'd recommend using as your sole gaming device. You will need more than 32 GB of memory if you have a large library of ported games. Issue fixed with an SD card: The display is scratched, but just in blank areas.
Limited in size and volume
In general, it performs admirably for sizes like these;
Flashing is possible (even in the most recent versions).
Both of my Joycons broke within the first two years;
The battery capacity is low (although this supposedly has been addressed in the most recent updates);
Although I have a PC for multiplatform games, I have to wait a long time for games to be ported, and most of them don't work very well.
Dust collects on the screen, and smudges emerge on the case;
The screen has a slight pixelation, however it is barely noticeable at a normal viewing distance.