One of my jobs is photographing various packaged products for an international e-commerce pop-up site. This is a low budget job. They provided me with an inexpensive flashlight. I used the included sync cord, but in the tight space I have to work in, I keep stepping on the cord and yanking it out of the camera. It's very frustrating, especially when I'm working with a model (aka one of his employees) and I get the right shot but the flash won't fire. To alleviate this hassle, I decided to purchase wireless triggers. Imagine my surprise when I stumbled across this $12 set. The last time I bought wireless triggers for my flashes (about 6-7 years ago) the cheapest kit was $70 plus $50 for each additional transceiver. I ended up breaking the main transmitter for this set. I've used this set a few times and it's definitely an improvement over my previous wired setup. I haven't had any issues with flashes not working. The work is usually done a day or two a week and I average around 75-150 pictures so there isn't much use of this wireless shutter release. And I'm the only photographer working in their office, so it's not a problem for other people to be on the same channel. The quality and feel are pretty poor, but I wasn't expecting much for the price. And compared to the Alienbees set I use once a week at another job, they're about the same. If you use them with studio flashes, you will need to provide your own sync cord. They provide the one needed for use with flashes.