We have some of these in every diaper bag to keep our daughter busy on the go. They're easy to clean and the rattles keep them going, and the silicone parts make them great teething toys. They attach to the toy bar with rings very easily and she loves to grab them and whack them with them. All of them are very easy for them. As seen in the picture they come in a plastic apple which is very cute. I gave it 4 stars because they are very small (although sizes are listed) and you can find a pair (though not necessarily 8 as in this set) larger rattles and teethers for the same price.
π£ Magical Years Plush Snuggle Buddy Blanket and Rattle Toy (My First Easter, Chick)
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πΈ SEO-Optimized: Angel Dear Green Froggy Ring Rattle
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π¦ Skip Hop Bandana Buddies Unicorn: Multi-Sensory Teething Toy with Rattle & Textures
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π· Cheengoo Organic Crocheted Pig Rattle: Sustainable & Stimulating Baby Toy
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