Reliable purchase, guaranteed to be a good purchase.
there was no user manual in 2022. found freely available on the internet. It would be a great service if the seller himself would send it to the buyer in correspondence, for example.
Everything is as expected, as stated about this model. They were specifically looking for him. Bought here, so the price differed greatly from other stores. They were afraid to use Aliexpress, although you can find it cheaper there, but judging by the reviews, it’s better not to risk it.
Delivered even faster than we expected, ordered on November 21, November 29 was already with us. Hong Kong - Hong Kong.
The package is whole, without damage, everything is neat. The device itself is the same, no complaints. It was already very frosty days that fell, but at -26 we were also able to shoot the first test videos. Everything is super.
We took the combo option, with spare batteries, a bag, etc.