Unfortunately this vacuum isn't for carpets. Very flat carpets or pile carpets. Easy to work with on things like stairs), and it seems it's had the head real brushes (since a lot of people these days only have a fluffy roller). I was hoping these bristles would be good, but they're completely useless on carpet. They are so super soft - this thing is perfect for hard floors - linoleum, tile and parquet. I put my hand on the roller as it ran at full power and it was so beautifully soft - wish there was a beauty treatment instead - but clearly NOT suitable for carpet. On extremely flat lint free carpet it doesn't really pick up most hair and things stuck to it or rubbed in or the like - because it's so low - I have a cat so it won't work and so sturdier and carpets need stiffer bristles . Also, on a heavier pile carpet, the thing only sticks in one spot, and it takes an effort to even get it to work. It doesn't vacuum carpet, but it seems to vacuum well. Finally, on the minus side, the roller is very thin - quite narrow in width, and it easily tangles in hair. It was annoying but didn't cause the roller to stop like other vacuums do - so that's good! The bin can be emptied more easily with the push of a button as it has a tab that you have to wiggle roughly with your finger to release. On the other hand, if you don't have a carpet, this vacuum cleaner can work really well for you. . It has suction power so it sucks things up easily. It also really fits right up against the wall if you run it all the way to the edge - like wow - I could never fit everything right up against the baseboard - but that wasn't a problem. Also able to get right next to the fridge and almost under the front of the stove to find stray crumbs and other stuff. Again, the one-button pop-up bar is meant for vacuuming stairs, not carpets. If you found my review useful, just click the "Useful" button. Thanks very much! Have a nice day! :)