This is a great design on the shirt with good materials and construction, but the fit isn't even close.My son is normally between an XL and a 2XL and while I was aware these were not standard measurements, I referred to the chart and realized that a 2XL would be a smaller than typical - this feels like a size Medium or a slim fit large. This seems slim beyond what could be considered "slim fit."The shirt length and sleeve length are perfect but it was a struggle to even get my son's arms into the sleeves despite the shoulder measurement being listed as his standard sizing.The shirt is beautiful to look at with a vibrant color combo and I love both of the fabrics used in its construction. It feels quite breathable. My son was really disappointed- he would have loved to have been able to get use out of this across multiple seasons but he won't even be getting even a day's wear out of it. It's too small to even wear unbuttoned over another shirt.It's probably a very nice shirt at the smaller sizes, and for the price it would be quite exquisite - but something seems to have went wrong with scaling up to 2XL. I cannot recommend this shirt even then, as "slim fit" isn't even in the title or description on the product page.