It works! IT WORKS! It's just a miracle! Forgive the reader for excessive emotions, but when you are 46 kg, and your battery weighs 20 kg, coupled with an old diesel engine, every winter turns into hell. And so, given: 3 liter diesel . turbo diesel . old 3 liter turbo diesel; temperature - 15 (and the phone says that you will feel it like everyone else -25); voltage in the accumulator 11.8. For the purity of the experiment, I tried to start it without auxiliary means, it did not work! We take out this magic thing, connect iiiiii . from the first time, as the most usual inclusion . my brutal Japanese already pleases the neighbors with his tractor notes and is ready to surf the snowdrifts ! In general, thanks to dad for such an original gift, it’s not like giving pans to you, you understand)))