I mean for the price what do you expect? The Lectrosonics ZS-LRLT Lavalier is currently $2293.00 which was less than $40 and came with a bunch of other mics and adapters. Don't cry over the loud hiss in the background lol. Mine was even used and slightly scratched (I'm pretty sure it's a returned item for the reason given in my title). It's definitely loud (typical noise from cheap parts). Not sure why it even has "20 separate channels to choose from" because the receiver only works on one channel anyway, I think it's just for looks, honestly all channels sound the same and the transmitter hears actually doesn't stop or doesn't stop there. Dropout or something else when switching channels. That being said, if you are doing a community seed planting project on an extremely low budget and meeting up to 7 people in a garage or local basement, this is the product for you! Does it technically work? Yes, depending on your definition of "work". I'm a full-time audio engineer so I was able to compress and squash an additional 10dB in the protools in the post EQ and quite a bit of noise and no mids from this unit, but it was a lot of work to get it done." Works." Hey, the battery is pretty decent! I used it for about 2 hours. Although as a professional I know it's my backups, backups and nothing more. Overall good value for money in a pinch.