The 4 year old laptop's WiFi stopped working, so a USB WiFi adapter was needed. I have Windows 10 on my laptop, so as soon as it arrived I plugged it into the USB port and although there was no message about detecting a new USB component, I heard a beep that the laptop had a new one USB power component appears. component is connected. I then clicked on the Wi-Fi box on the bottom right of the laptop and noticed a drop down arrow next to the word Wi-Fi. Clicked on that, there was a choice for WIFI 2, clicked on that and then I saw my home network. In less than 5 seconds my 4 year old laptop started surfing the internet again. There are no instructions at all in the little box that the device comes in. So, if you are not tech savvy then you might have trouble using this device. Device. But in Windows 10 you just need to connect it to your computer/laptop and then click on the Wi-Fi icon on the bottom right corner of Windows 10 and you should see a drop down list to select your device.
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