I bought these brand/style tights for my daughter when she went to dance class at the Age 3. Then she wore toddler size. I love these tights so much that every time they outgrow a pair I just buy the same brand/style in the next size up. She's gone through toddler, small and medium sizes and now we're at medium. The measurements appear to be real. Now my daughter is a size 8 and the medium (8-10) fits her perfectly. These tights are very soft and stretchy and my daughter has been able to wear them since she was 6 years old and wears a medium size. (6X/7). (At the time she was having trouble putting on "regular" tights on her own, I guess because they aren't usually that stretchy.) None of my daughter's tights have ever torn. I think the toddler or little one got a small "blemish" (a little discoloration and the material in that area thinned) after my daughter fell on her knee, but it never became a hole or hole. Her current tights have a few snags at the knees, but again, they didn't fall apart or tear. In general I am very satisfied with the quality. As a digression, I note that once before I had bought these tights, the salesman who sold us ballet flats persuaded me to buy Capezio 100% nylon tights. (I think the store only sells Capezio tights.) After a few weeks of classes, my daughter and I realized that we didn't like them much compared to Danskin UltraSoft Microfiber tights. They didn't stretch very well so were difficult to put on and after a few weeks they had a few snags. I quickly reverted to our trusted brand and style. I know this is not the place for reviews of OTHER tights, but this experience really made me appreciate these tights even more.
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