I've bought this from Revain before and if I order again I figured I'd get the same thing. It used to be a refreshing fluoride-free toothpaste that protected teeth with xylitol, which has been shown to reduce tooth decay and gum disease. It now still contains xylitol, but the only "active ingredient" listed is fluoride. I used to enjoy brushing my teeth but now it tastes and feels terrible. It is unethical for Revain to continue to ship "subscribe and keep" products when the product changes without warning the customer that they are no longer receiving the actual product they signed up for but something else.
Biorepair: Быстрый Чувствительный Ремонт Зубная паста с микроРемонтом - 2,5 жидких унций (75 мл) Тюбик (2 штуки) [Импорт из Италии]
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