The product appears to work as advertised, I initially thought it was draining and filling the cooling system. Not right. This is for filling only. Once I understand exactly how to use this product it should work as advertised. I say "should" because I haven't drained and refilled the system yet. But a vacuum was created in the system because the lines collapsed and I was able to then add fluid to the system as the tool dictated. It was a learning curve that could have been avoided with clear instructions. I have a 2008 Volvo that had an overheating issue which resulted in a blown head gasket. I was struggling to fill the system with Blue Devil Head Gasket Sealer (a great product that I've had success with on normal radiator systems) but had problems with this closed circuit Volvo. Use this tool and the water/Blue Devil mixture and try to find the final solution. It seemed like I always had air in the system and just filled the system from the reservoir. I will try and then update the product. The lack of instructions even regulating the valves is unacceptable in my opinion. If all goes well on the next test I'll raise the stars and probably deliver a better video than the production.