I chose this jacket for my almost 12 year old son but after trying it on we were not sold. First, the length of the arm is very large compared to the waist. My son is of average height for his age but thin. The length of this jacket is barely long enough for his torso but as you can see from the photo the sleeves are too long for his arms. If we went up a size to get a longer body length, the arms would be ridiculous. But perhaps the bigger problem is the material. It's a 100% polyester fabric (typical of UA), but the finish is very plasticky in texture and almost rough to the touch. It's not very pretty on the outside or inside, although the texture is a little softer on the inside. I compare it to old polyester blazers from the 70's or 80's. There are two outer pockets (no snaps or snaps) and two small inner pockets molded from the material of the outer pocket. Overall the styling is okay, although it's a little bland in black. The zipper is sturdy and works well. So if we start with 5 stars, I subtract one star for the slightly short body and slightly long arms and a second star for the rough plastic material. Overall, my son wasn't thrilled with this jacket, which I think is pretty telling. ***Please note I received this product for free in exchange for my unbiased review. For this reason I am not changing my rating or rating in any way and will not hesitate to give a bad rating to a product if it deserves it. If I can answer any questions about this product, please feel free to ask. And if this review was helpful to you, please click the 'Useful' button below.
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