I got two of them (32 GB each) so I can listen to music in the car. Both exhibit the same behavior. It takes an extremely lengthy amount of time to install in the system when it is initially attached (to both USB2 and USB3). It is possible for it to "slip off" while you are writing to it for whatever reason out of the blue. Yet, the most important factor is velocity. When recording MP3 songs, which can be several megabytes in size, the speed never went beyond 10 MB/s, and more often than not, it was between 7-9 MB/s (using a USB3.0 port, with the source being an external SATA disk, which can easily offer 150 MB/s). Warm but not too hot. To put this into perspective, an older blue rubber flash drive (Kingston DT Rubber) with 32 gigabytes of storage can consistently hold 20-30 megabytes per second. It is in everyone's best interest to stay out of it and look for something more respectable to do instead. Of course, provided that you are able to locate. 09/07/2022 Both of the newly purchased flash drives were rendered useless and had to be discarded. The signal began to disappear periodically in the machine's radio tape recorder (that is, in read-only mode, which is the ONLY procedure for writing files in the anamnesis of flash drives), and the radio tape recorder began to spontaneously switch to radio mode. After a few minutes, the radio tape recorder switched back to playing the file again. In other words, it cannot be used in any way whatsoever as a source. (The effect was examined using a computer, which displayed the identical image. While the copies stored on the flash drive have been corrupted, the original data can be found on the disk. There are no problems with the functioning of any of the other flash drives in the vehicle. Unfortuitously, given the nature of the flaw, it is unlikely that the manufacturer will honor the warranty if it is submitted. It seems that the last decent flash drives were manufactured roughly three years ago, according to evaluations and personal experience, which is the widespread impression. Since then, even those that were considered to be relatively respectable at the time have deteriorated into uselessness:-((
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