Pros include, but are not limited to, being powerful, silent, and quick. When downloading games, my WiFi at 5 GHz absorbed the entire 200 MB band, and my tariff does not let any more than that. The menu is user-friendly, ingenious, and understandable. It makes sense to get a PS Plus subscription at the beginning because you have access to a solid assortment of free games. Playing the game that was pre-installed on your device is a requirement, of course. The loading times for games of the previous generation were substantially faster. Having this drawback: The joystick started to play, much like the others. It is repaired by taking apart the potentiometer and cleaning it. In more sophisticated instances, the potentiometer could need to be replaced fully, which is something that not everyone is capable of doing. I went out and bought a second joystick, and things have been going smoothly for the past two months. More drawbacks were not discovered after almost a whole year of use.