I fell in love with this meter in a very short time. I bought it in May and have been using it since June. It's a very good meter, easy to use. At the end of August I was getting strange readings and trying to calibrate them. The meter is not calibrated and is practically unusable. I think it was good while it lasted! Almost three whole months! Thus, this meter costs about a dollar a day. Good luck if you buy this you will need it!
📊 PH 1-14 Extensive Storage Testing Monitoring: Optimize Your Storage with Precise pH Level Monitoring
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Portable digital multimeter with sound continuity and thermocouple (electric tester) LTX DT-838
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Digital PH Meter Tester - Tiaoyeer Water Quality Tester With ATC, 0.01PH High Accuracy, 0.00-14.00 Measurement Range, 0.01 Resolution For Drinking Water, Aquarium, Swimming Pools, Hydroponic
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Accurate And Versatile Digital PH Meters For Food, Brewing, Hydroponics, Pools And More!
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