I bought these leggings for my daughter's mermaid 5th birthday party and they fit perfectly! I bought size 10/11 but she usually wears size 7/8. I wasn't sure if the waistband would be too tight, and I wasn't sure how stretchy this type of material would be. They seemed to fit her well and weren't too tight which meant she could wear them a few more times in the future. The material is thin but very beautiful! They are a brilliant turquoise and go perfectly with the shirts I made for us! We hope they last and we can wear them again for Halloween.
Kid Nation Unisex Heather Charcoal Girls' Clothing for Leggings
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Slaixiu Leggings Fleece Printing GP777 3P B 130 Girls' Clothing and Leggings
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Adorable and comfortable Splendid girls' leggings for kids and babies
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IRELIA Girls Leggings Modal Spring Girls' Clothing for Leggings
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