These are really great little bags. Very easy to get what you need quickly and very solid construction. Weatherproof zippers, loops and stitching are first class. I would describe them as a lightweight backpacking luxury or a great addition for the ultra-organized backpacker/traveler. I use them for weekend hikes/short hikes with my son. Durable, weatherproof zippers and metal zippers add just enough weight to make them too heavy to justify compared to regular ultralight gram counter bag options. If Granite Gear made a UL version like their Air ZipPacks with lighter zippers and plastic tabs, I'd put them all in my full-time backpack. Compass etc. 1L holds extra ropes, headlamp, mini game cards, phone cord, battery and any other items I might need in the tent. 1.7L fits in a grocery/kitchen bag and includes all the small essentials like spatula, spices, foil, cutting board, cooking oil, soap and towel. Finally, the 2.4L has a mini water filter and dirty water bag.
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