I bought this bracelet for my son who transitioned from home school to private school. I hoped this would be a great reminder of "YOU STRONGER THAN YOU SEE" for interviews and the school year. Unfortunately it didn't work the way I imagined. I was surprised how I received it. The box was not received in a bag or case so it was a bit dirty which is not great for a gift but not critical. There was no "gray velvet pouch" or cotton inside to keep the bracelet from moving. I wanted the same as the picture, with large engraving as it was very important that it was legible. In the end I got one like another customer, with a fine handwriting, and it looked rather well stamped than engraved. The quality of the bracelet looked very good. Still, it came with a jig to remove the pins to adjust the bracelet but I had to figure out how to do it. I had problems there. The first side I did was ok, but when I did the second side I had problems. I later realized that you can only do this from one side, but unfortunately I had trouble removing the pin from the right side. I decided to send it back and look for something else. It wasn't worth the effort to adjust and I really didn't want my son to strain his eyes while reciting the chant. Hopefully the company will fix this issue and increase the print size using all the space. However, a tool was supplied to remove the pins to adjust the bracelet, but I had to figure out how to do it. I had problems there. The first side I did was ok, but when I did the second side I had problems. I later realized that you can only do this from one side, but unfortunately I had trouble removing the pin from the right side. I decided to send it back and look for something else. It wasn't worth the effort to adjust and I really didn't want my son to strain his eyes while reciting the chant. Hopefully the company will fix this issue and increase the print size using all the space. However, a tool was supplied to remove the pins to adjust the bracelet, but I had to figure out how to do it. I had problems there. The first side I did was ok, but when I did the second side I had problems. I later realized that you can only do it on one side, but unfortunately I'm having trouble removing the pin from the right side. I decided to send it back and look for something else. It wasn't worth the effort to adjust and I really didn't want my son to strain his eyes while reciting the chant. Hopefully the company will fix this issue and increase the print size using all the space. I later realized that you can only do this from one side, but unfortunately I had trouble removing the pin from the right side. I decided to send it back and look for something else. It wasn't worth the effort to adjust and I really didn't want my son to strain his eyes while reciting the chant. Hopefully the company will fix this issue and increase the print size using all the space. I later realized that you can only do this from one side, but unfortunately I'm having trouble removing the pin from the right side. I decided to send it back and look for something else. It wasn't worth the effort to adjust and I really didn't want my son to strain his eyes while reciting the chant. Hopefully the company will fix this issue and increase the print size using all the space.
Коллекция браслетов на растяжке «Вишневое дерево» с чакрой: Натуральные 8-милиметровые полудрагоценные камни, стерлинговое серебро в качестве разделителей. Идеально подходит для мужчин/женщин. Выберите размер: маленький, средний или большой!
38 Review
Настоящий кожаный браслет для кремации с сердцеобразной урной для хранения памятных вещей для мужчин и женщин - украшение для пепла.
41 Review
Браслет Дружбы в подарок для нее: Браслет Morse 👯 кода SANNYRA с бисером покрытым 14k золотом на шёлковой нити
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💞 Магнитные браслеты взаимного притяжения KINGSIN: символ вечной любви для пар
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Ожерелье из нержавеющей стали с полированным подвеской - ювелирное изделие.
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Ручное изготовление золотого чокера из мягкого золота 18 карат, слоеное сердечко с стрелой, длинное ожерелье для женщин от MEVECCO.
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Ожерелье с подвеской в виде цветка лотоса с мини-урной - ювелирные украшения для памятных прахов после кремации
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Набор ожерелья с серебряными бусинами Verona Jewelers из 925 стерлингового серебра: коллекция итальянских колец-цепей шариков диаметром 1,5 мм и 2 мм, высококачественное ожерелье из серебра, стильные серебряные ожерелья на шарике для женщин и мужчин, коллекция итальянских бус для ожерелья, массивное ожерелье цепочки с пластиной для армии.
39 Review