Great microphones not included. Don't expect them to perform like the Sennheiser MD 421-II or similar where 1 mic costs as much as the whole kit. Likewise, these aren't incredible, professional racks. That the mics and stands in this set cost *a lot* more than what I paid for the set. They perform well beyond their price point and completely meet my need to try and record my acoustic drums at home rather than using the electronic kit I typically use for home projects. With careful EQ and gating in my DAW I was able to get a very reasonable drum sound from the products in this kit and I'm sure you will too. Again, this kit is MUCH more than a dollar and offers the ability to mike your bass, snare, toms and overheads for your cymbals and surround sound. Working on my Ludwig kit. I tried putting it on the Pearl snare I have and couldn't get it there either. I couldn't tell if they just didn't fit or if I was doing something wrong, but it seemed to me that if I kept pushing them they would break. I'll investigate this further and hope I'm just wrong.
Набор USB-микрофона MAONO AU-A04TC 192KHZ/24BIT | Алюминиевый органайзер для хранения | Конденсаторный кардиоидный микрофон для подкастов и стриминга с ПК | Подключите и играйте на компьютере, YouTube, записывайте игровые видео
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Профессиональный USB микрофон с нулевой задержкой мониторинга - MAONO AU-PM422: кардиоидный конденсаторный микрофон 192KHZ/24BIT с кнопкой прикосновения для выключения звука и регулировкой уровня микрофона для записи, создания подкастов, игр, YouTube.
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Революционизируйте свой звук с помощью синего 1967 Yeti Pro USB конденсаторного микрофона, многозонный
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