I have a Kenneth Cole Risky Business Messenger Bag in brown Kenneth Cole Risky Business Messenger Bag and had it for quite a while before I switched to this bag . I also have a Kenneth Cole Rest My Case in black Kenneth Cole Reaction Luggage I Rest My Case that I used for work. This bag has replaced both of my bags. There are several reasons for this, which I will discuss. I won't go into too much detail on the features of this bag like many other reviews have, but I want to focus on comparing these three for those considering other bags. While the Risky Business bag looks decent, it lacks internal support. This meant most items inside had a lot of wandering around and it wasn't a very good laptop bag due to the lack of internal padding. The structure of the bag was pretty flimsy to the point that the binders I used to work with were sometimes folded. The handle at the top of this bag wasn't particularly comfortable as there was no structural support for this bag so grabbing the handle on the run with a full bag sometimes resulted in things spilling all over the place. The Show Business bag solves the problems of this bag, although it looks a little less casual. Inside are large, padded gusseted compartments that protect your laptop and documents much better than the Risky Business bag. The clips on the straps also keep the flap secure, which the magnets on the Risky Business bag couldn't. While this bag is larger, I don't think the size increase is too big of a leap. The Rest My Case bag looked very professional, but I prefer the messenger style with the flap. The interior of this bag is very similar, but it's good to have a flap to stow things quickly without fumbling with the zipper. There is also a velcro strap securing the open pocket on the back which is nice. Although it appears that zipped compartments would be more secure compared to the show business bag, nothing fell out. The flap also comes in handy when I don't want to close my pockets but still want to protect myself from the rain. I will admit that the Rest My Case bag is more like a laptop bag and much more formal, especially in black, but the Show Business bag bridges the gap between the Risky Business everyday bag and adds all the strengths of the Rest My Case. Pocket. In brown leather it looks casual enough that I can take it to the office, but not so far that it looks like a Rest My Case bag just for work. This bag should be considered before purchasing. More versatile than the other two, this bag combines the best of both worlds. If I had to buy just one, I would buy this bag first. Of course, I'm a guy who likes to have different accessories (men in the professional environment usually just get by with different briefcases/bags, watches and colored ties to show our personalities), so sometimes I beat the other two. , but if you're looking for a bag that can take you from the office to a coffee shop or a weekend out of town without looking out of place in any setting, this is the one for you.
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