I have very wide Fred Flintstone feet and I can't find the right shoes. Even more difficult to find shoes for evening walks with his wife. I usually either wear hiking boots, or polish shoes that my wife hates, or squeeze into uncomfortable "nice" shoes and get blisters on my toes. Hiking shoes that don't go well with nice clothes. Although they are not dress shoes, they are suitable for most situations. And if you have wide feet then you should buy these shoes as it is usually impossible for me to find the right shoes. I usually have to take Merrell sneakers, knead them with water in the freezer, and keep them clean enough to use as walking shoes. Well those days are over with these Sketchers, they look good enough and fit great, no calluses.
Onitsuka Tiger Mexico Shoes - Men's Grey Sneakers
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Propet Stability Walker Sneaker Black Men's Shoes in Fashion Sneakers
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Skechers Afterburn Strike Memory Men's Fashion Sneakers: Stylish Footwear for Every Occasion
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Steve Madden Fashion Sneaker Fabric Men's Shoes for Fashion Sneakers
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