Regarding inventory and the construction of furniture. Previously, he had been making use of his younger brother, the GSR 12V-15. It is lightweight and compact, and it starts at low speeds with just a gentle touch of the start button. It is quite convenient to use this when constructing things and performing labor that requires some degree of precision; nevertheless, it is quite difficult to drill through tough materials with it since it lacks sufficient speed and power, and the battery runs out very soon. When we look at them side by side, we can see that the older one is superior when it comes to drilling and working with large weights, while the younger one is better suited for working on minor works and rarely drilling walls or metal in small diameters. I do not have any regrets about changing to this one because, in my opinion, the difference is not all that significant and only became apparent when I had to hang the shelf by myself. It was fairly difficult, time-consuming, and demanding to do with the younger child. And when it became necessary to hang a cabinet in the bathroom - and I understood that with the younger version I would spend too much time and effort on it, and that I couldn't live like this any longer - I needed to take a more powerful tool:)