These diapers are soft, yes, but not super soft in a memorable way. They definitely feel better than some of the other cheap, plastic-y type of diapers but I wouldn't say it is the softest diapers I've felt. The inside of the diapers do feel a little softer than the outside. The softness does not matter all that much though, as long as the overall quality is good.Sizing wise these fit about the same as other popular brands, with no issues about it being too tight or loose. The closure works great and seems comfortable on baby. I appreciate the indicator line on these, and that is the one thing about diapers that are non negotiable for me. That's a feature I need to have on my diapers as I often rely on that line. These diapers have no cute cartoon or graphics on them, which is fine, as that is one less chemical to worry about. The diapers just look very simple, clean, and straightforward.Our little one doesn't have blowouts too often as we're mostly at home and we change him as frequently as needed. We rarely have to change him in the middle of the night or wake up to him soaked in his crib come morning. That said, we did experience 2-3 wet diaper leaks. One was during the day and two was at night, so I will not be using these for night time use anymore. Overall these work well in the day time though, and it isn't anything to where I'd say to avoid these or for me to never use this brand again. He could have just had too much water/milk that day, more than usual, so until I test this out throughout a longer period of time, I won't fully blame the quality of the diapers.These diapers are advertised as plant based and eco friendly but I didn't see any information about how well these disintegrate in the landfill. I don't know if these do or if they just sit in the landfill for decades. I wish they provided more information from an eco conscious perspective, as that would have been something that would make me support this particular brand of diapers and make these diapers stand out from its competitors.Overall I would say give these DYPER(s) a try. Diapers seem to be a personal thing that works differently for every baby, this might just be your new favorite. The diapers seem pretty "clean" and if that type of thing is important to you, definitely check this brand out.Last thing I'll add is I would like to urge the company to hi-light the eco aspect of these, as that will be one of the things that will help you stand out from major big name brands. As of now, all I know is these are made from bamboo, but I'm not being convinced as to why I should make the switch to this material over some of the other "clean", plant based materials.
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